The TLDR of Liquid Staking

The TLDR of Liquid Staking
FCAT Crypto Brief™
The TLDR of Liquid Staking

Feb 21 2023 | 00:44:05

Episode 27 February 21, 2023 00:44:05

Hosted By

Ryan Stuebe Jason Ward Jack Neureuter Parth Gargava

Show Notes

In this episode, loaded with analogies, hosts break down the complex topic of liquid staking derivatives (LSDs) specifically explaining different types of staking, what LSDs are as well as the benefits, risks and challenges of liquid staking.

Episode Topics:
[2:45] What is staking?
[6:00] What is liquid staking and why would someone do it?
[9:15] Different types of staking
[14:30] Benefits of liquid staking
[22:20] Risks and challenges of LSDs
[35:45] Changes brought on by the Shanghai upgrade

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